- photo: Robert Benschop
- choreography: Alessio Silvestrin
- dancers: Christine Bürkle, Michael Maurissens, Mauricio de Oliveira, Alessio Silvestrin
- music: Alessio Silvestrin, Gaspar dos Reis
- video, drawings, set and costumes design: Allessio Silvestrin
- sound technique: Mathias Schabow
- video assistance: Michael Maurissens
- ligth design: Bas van Overbeek
- length: 55 min.
- premiere: CaDance Festival, Theater an het Spui, Den Haag, 10.11.2002
- coproduction: Korzo Theater, Den Haag and Ballett Frankfurt
When I observe an object which is part of my daily life, understanding the material it is made of can give me a sense of security. Appearance and reality, that which is most essential to the object and cannot “Not” be in it, is confronted with its possible material reality at the moment in which I observe it.
The object, in its length, its insistency and its repeated proposal its self, through time increase and intensify its significance.
If it is true that “A table is, but doesn’t exist”, I could revaluate that: “The object is alone and without help”- because it doesn’t need any. If I then recreate, or find again (Italian: ritrovare-ritrovo-ritrovato), starting from what surrounds me that which surrounds me internally belongs to me (me: one possibility amongst all the others), so that which surrounds me, exists in its most essential way.
Alessio Silvestrin
- photo: Tsuyoshi Nakajima
Der Mensch ist nicht begrenzt durch die Oberflächen seines vermeintlichen Körpers. Wenn ich hier stehe, so stehe ich als Mensch nur hier, sofern ich zugleich schon dort beim Fenster, und d.h. draußen auf der Straße und in dieser Stadt, kurz gesagt: in einer Welt bin.
Wenn ich zu Tür gehe, dann transportiere ich nicht meinen Körper zur Tür, sondern ich ändere meinen Aufenthalt (“Leiben”), die immer schon bestehende Nähe und Ferne zu den Dingen; die Weite und Enge, darin sie erscheinen, wandelt sich.
Martin Heidegger
Bemerkungen zu Kunst – Plastic – Raum
Italian translation:
L’uomo non é limitato dalla superficie del suo presunto corpo. Se io sto qui, in quanto uomo sto qui a condizione che nel contempo sto giá lá accanto alla finestra, cioé fuori per strada e in questa cittá; in breve, sono in un mondo. Se vado alla porta, non transporto il mio corpo alla porta, bensí muto il mio soggiorno ( il proprio come proprio), muta la vicinanza e muta la lontananza rispetto alle cose; mutano l’ampiezza e ristrettezza in cui si manifestrano.
Martin Heidegger
Osservazioni su arte – scultura – spazio
“Essential are the games being played through the miraculous environment.
Drawings of keys, drawers, rooms, corners, numbers, doors, locks and stairs you see in triple form, and can appear in multiple ways. Little postcards on the wall left, a film running on the right side and cards that are taken from boxes, and yes all 400 are put down on the dance floor!”
Mirjam van der Linden
Volkskrant , The Netherlands